Privacy Policy

Luxe Play respects your rights to privacy. This Privacy Policy sets out important information regarding how (the “Website”) collects and uses your personal information when you visit or schedule a booking. By visiting you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

What Personal Information we collect and how we collect this

Personal Information collected comprises of two fields; Visitor Information and Booking Information.

Visitor information collected - When visiting the Website information such as your geolocation information, IP address, browser, network and device, webpages you visited prior to coming to this Website and how you interact with the Website is automatically captured. 

Visitor information is collected by use of cookies, tracking pixels and social networks.

Booking information collected - When making a booking through the Website you are required to provide information such as, but not limited to, name, postal address, billing address, phone number, email address, details relating to your booking and payment details (including credit card details).

Visitor information is collected directly from you as the end user.

How this information is used

Visitor information is used, in the worst cases, to help us prevent or investigate fraud. In general circumstances, however,  this information is used to analyse your interactions with the Website to customise and improve your experience.

Booking information is used to fulfil your booking request by communicating with you and processing payments.

Third party information sharing

We share your Personal Information with third parties in order to help us use fulfil your booking request and improve your browsing experience. At no time do we ever provide your personal information to any third party vendor, associate or service provider unless absolutely necessary.

We share your personal information with our host Squarespace in order to help the Website run effectively. You can read more about how Squarespace uses your Personal Information here.

We share your personal information with our payment processer Stripe in order to process payment transactions. You can read more about how Stripe uses your Personal Information here.

We share your personal information with Google Analytics to help us understand how our customers use the Website so we can improve its design and functionality. You can read more about how Google uses your Personal Information here. You can also opt-out of Google Analytics here.

Data Retention

When you schedule a booking through the Website, we retain all of the information we collect from you for a period of up to 12 months unless you request for us to delete this information before this point.

Changes to Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time in order to reflect current practices.

Questions or Complaints

If you have questions regarding the Privacy Policy, or if you would like to make a complaint, please contact us.